The Winner

Janko Petrek



A certain man in the best of his years reached an edge cutting success – he won. His winning was sudden and spectacular. Nay, he even kept on winning more. An avalanche of his winnings gained a full blast momentum. He was winning everywhere – in bed at home, in the kitchen, in the streets, in shops, among people, in the nature - practically everywhere he willingly or unwillingly found himself. His winnings were outstanding, and he was happy. One day in a cafe, as he was winning again, another strange man sat down next to him – a man who had constantly been losing. Both men landed next to each other face to face and naked in their essence. The man, who had been winning, won again after a blink of an eye. He won against the man, who was constantly losing.


Last Updated (Tuesday, 27 October 2009 16:25)